Desired on the market, particularly by the companies using trenchless technologies, these shoring systems for pit excavations have numerous applications in building sewage systems using the microtunneling method, controlled drilling and HDD, as well as in renovating existing sewage systems, building pump stations, or fuel, gas or water tanks. The unlimited sizes make it possible to secure trenches from 1.5 to 6.5 m wide, and the use of intermediate trench rails makes the length technically limitless. The use of panel walls allows for collisions to be avoided and to put pipelines outside of chambers.

The variety of possibilities and low prices for these systems, especially when rented, put them ahead of alternative shoring technologies such as Larssen sheet piling or soldier pile walls. These shoring systems can also be custom made with dimensions and work loads as required by the client, up to 100 kN/m² and strut free sheeting up to 8 m long. Using two telescopic chambers, the depth can be up to 12 m. The minimum work load of the chamber is 55 kN/m². With the above plates and top plates it is possible to build any chamber accordingto the client’s needs.